Tym Records is BACK!

I started my vinyl record label back in 2012 to work with and release music by friends and hopefully introduce people to these amazing artists.
I managed to get 63 vinyl (and 1 cassette) releases out into the world between 2012 and 2020 and then, well, the world kind of collapsed and it became VERY difficult to support and do new releases justice so, I took a break while the world realigned.
While I’m not saying we’re particularly well realigned yet, it feels like a good time to start working with some amazing people again in this capacity so, next month, Feb 2023 I will be doing the first new release in over a year on my label.
This new site will be redone, and all purchasing will be through my regular site and/or merch stands and bands outlets.
Some older Tym records releases will also be available once I sort through boxes and work out what I have. Keep an eye here on my NEWS feed for updates.